petitviolet blog

    Tiny compiler written in Ruby



    As a software engineer's habit, I've implemented a toy programming language in Ruby for my learning. GitHub repository is petitviolet/9cc-ruby.

    What it looks like

    Almost basic syntax is supported, and only int type is available.

    • use number
      • n(number)
    • arithmetic operations
      • +, -, *, /, %
    • unary operations
      • +n, -n(unary)
    • comparison operations
      • >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=
    • condition
      • if (cond) ... else ...
    • multiple statements
      • 1 + 2; 3 + 4;
    • return
      • return 10
    • block
      • { 2 * 3 }
    • local variables
      • a = { 2 * 3 }
    • define function
      • def add(i, j) { i + j }
    • call function
      • add(1, 2)

    Running a ruby script generates an assembly program.

    $ rbenv exec ruby -W0 lib/9cc.rb '1 + 2'
    .intel_syntax noprefix # headers
    .global main
      push r14
      push r15
      push rbp
      mov rbp, rsp
      sub rsp, 0
      push 1
      push 2
      pop rdi
      pop rax
      add rax, rdi
      push rax
      pop rax
      mov rsp, rbp
      pop rbp
      pop r15
      pop r14

    Obviously it generated wasteful and redundant one, but it works :)

    Since it aims to be runnable on x86-64 Linux, it requires non-macOS environemnt. petitviolet/9cc-ruby a docker image that I use is

    $ docker run --rm  petitviolet/9cc-ruby:latest uname -a
    Linux fb476515a500 4.19.76-linuxkit #1 SMP Thu Oct 17 19:31:58 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    Then, prepared a script(Makefile) to compile an assembly, run, and check if the result is correct at once.

    $ make docker/try ARG="9 'def square(i) { i * i }; def f(n) { if (n % 2 == 0) n else square(n) }; f(3)'"
    [2020-06-17 13:58:56.458 UTC]OK! def square(i) { i * i }; def f(n) { if (n % 2 == 0) n else square(n) }; f(3) => 9

    This output shows the given small program def square(i) { i * i }; def f(n) { if (n % 2 == 0) n else square(n) }; f(3) returned 9 as its result expectedly.

    How it's implemented

    As usual of language implementations, the flow of compilation is like:

    • tokenize
      • tokenize given string
    • parse
      • parse tokens and build an abstract syntax tree
    • generate
      • generate an assembly program from the AST

    It depends on Rstructural gem so much that I wrote a blog about.

    Empower Pattern Matching in Ruby Quick overview of pattern match in Ruby and Gems to empower it Ruby2.7 provides Pattern Matching feature as an experimental one. I used to do pattern matching in Scala, so I'm excited to be able to use it in Ruby! tl;dr [Rstructural Gem]( what I'

    All of the tokens and AST nodes are defined as Rstructural::ADT, and parser and generator use pattern matching on them.


    Indeed, it does not work well, for example:

    • return different values every run

      $ make docker/try ARG="9 'def double(i) { i * 2 }; def square(j) { j * j }; def f(n) { if (n % 2 == 0) double(n) else square(n) }; f(3)'"
      [2020-06-17 14:45:30.474 UTC]NG! 9 expected, but got 144
      make: *** [docker/try] Error 1
      $ make docker/try ARG="9 'def double(i) { i * 2 }; def square(j) { j * j }; def f(n) { if (n % 2 == 0) double(n) else square(n) }; f(3)'"
      [2020-06-17 14:45:31.841 UTC]NG! 9 expected, but got 80
      make: *** [docker/try] Error 1
      $ make docker/try ARG="9 'def double(i) { i * 2 }; def square(j) { j * j }; def f(n) { if (n % 2 == 0) double(n) else square(n) }; f(3)'"
      [2020-06-17 14:45:33.426 UTC]NG! 9 expected, but got 144
      make: *** [docker/try] Error 1
    • segmentation fault :(

      $ make docker/try ARG="55 'def fib(n) { if (n == 0) 0 else if (n == 1) 1 else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) }; fib(10)'"
      ./ line 3:    42 Segmentation fault      ./tmp
      [2020-06-17 14:44:54.857 UTC]NG! 55 expected, but got 139
      make: *** [docker/try] Error 1

    Anyway, it was fun and good learning for me!